A home for your medical team

HealthEngine Care team is the home of your favourite practices and practitioners. Being able to save a new or previously booked profile is integrated into this reimagined app experience at each touchpoint. It encourages timely, regular engagement with all of your favourites for a smoother, enhanced booking experience.

project details

Project: iOS app Care Team integration

Client: HealthEngine

Role: Strategy, product and visual design of app

Deliverables: Research, information architecture; iOS app screens – favourites, home, search, profile page, bookings confirmation; inbox messaging, EDM


The problem

It’s common for a person to see a GP only when they’re sick or in response to a minor emergency that doesn’t require a visit to the hospital. A toothache, a strained muscle, a sudden eye injury are all health issues that require reactive, not proactive health care.

How can we make it easier for people to regularly look after their health – to get that annual checkup and half-yearly scale and clean?

Solving this problem could mean improved, sustained health for the patient and meet business goals through increased engagement with the app.

Motivating patients to help themselves

It was important to make it as easy as possible for patients to save previously booked practitioners for easy rebooking. At key stages in the booking journey we wanted to give them the opportunity to add favourites to their Care team – while searching, booking, viewing bookings confirmation, or from practitioner profile pages.

To highlight the benefits and encourage use of their Care team I created interactive promotional messaging for their app home screen, app inbox and for emailers.


I completed a competitor analysis to understand design conventions and trends around favouriting.

My data research included an analysis of app page views, to see which screens and features were being utilised and which were not. This would help me with grouping and hierarchy of content. I also needed to review current use of favourites.

As I was reassessing the architecture I undertook several rounds of card sorting with our customer support staff. The activities involved prioritising and grouping all current app content and features, labelling the groups and later on prioritising label names. This resulted in a restructured sitemap that would improve adding favourites, whilst retaining current usability and even enhance other key journeys.


Integrating Care team into the app

Proposing a solution to the problem of poor engagement meant challenging the current architecture. As integration of Care team (using favourites) affected multiple aspects of the platform, new designs for several screens were necessary to improve user flows. I was given the scope to redesign whatever was necessary in the app to integrate this important task.

Multiple use types

I needed to create alternate home screen designs for several use cases. Firstly, we needed an option which would promote the benefits of Care team to new app users or those yet to favourite a profile, a version for one or more favourited profiles, and if the user has upcoming bookings or medication to manage. Grouping content under appropriate labels onto cards would help the necessary modularity of the screen for these varied use types.


Integrating favourites into search

Search was a great opportunity to offer previously booked practitioners and their favourites as a quicker option to rebook, rather than users needing to search for someone new every time.


Re-imagining profile pages

The existing profile page made it difficult to favourite a practitioner or practice. This was an opportunity to improve usability and better integrate favouriting profiles into a user’s account.


Adding favourites to Care Team post-booking

At the time of booking an appointment, the last thing on a patient’s mind is saving a practitioner’s details for a subsequent visit. Booking confirmation notification via the app or email was an opportunity to allow patients to save the practice or practitioner details for next time. And, it was a chance to promote how easy it was to do.

The existing booking experience didn’t allow this, nor did it give users the option to save that booking to their calendar. Integrating these important options offered a more organic user experience.


A new home for favourites

Creating a dedicated home for a patient’s favourites had many benefits. It would remove the need to search for practitioners again from scratch and allow a shortcut for quicker rebookings. We could also recommend options they’d previously booked and give patients the opportunity to complete their Care team in full, in case they need a practitioner again in future.

Taking this step towards a more holistic health experience for patients would also allow us to remind patients of any annual checkups and propose times we know their preferred practitioner would be available.


Create your very own Care team

Why bother saving your practitioners and practices for next time? How will it help the patient? Enabling users to take advantage of this new feature easily via several channels was important for effective adoption. It was hypothesised that increased favouriting would improve engagement with both HealthEngine and the very practitioners who could help retain their good health.

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